Thursday, May 31, 2012

what a hubby

so yesterday we got great news!  financing was approved on our house and we can probably move in by the end of least we hope so.  SUPER excited! everyone should come and visit us.  jose also experienced his first trip to a drive through fast food shop which was fun for him.  he's also been practicing his driving and doing very well!  today i had a busy day at work as usual and came home to a wonderful honey mustard chicken with stir-fried veggies for dinner and an amazing lemon cake for dessert! how lucky am i?  celebrated our new home with some nice Chianti.  mmmmm.


  1. Hi Nicole - What a lucky girl you are! The meal
    looks yummy. Exciting that Jose is practicing his driving. Just wanted to check in and see
    what you are up to before I head back to bed. Tomorrow Raymond and I are going to the outlet mall to look for clothes to wear to the wedding back east.

  2. P.S. I think I "need" your lemon cake recipe! xxoo mom

  3. i know i am lucky! i'll get jose to send you the recipe :) hope you guys had fun shopping! xx
