Wednesday, May 16, 2012

job hunting, buying a house, and pizza!!!

good day at work for me. very interesting things going on there and lovely people.  it's a lot to take in all at once but i'll settle in eventually.  got a call from jose in the afternoon saying that he was interviewed for a job and they really liked him and are going to hire him!  so that's exciting :) after work we met at the real estate agent and put an offer on the house we fell in love with.  after some negotiating back and forth we came to an agreement and we have a home!  well...assuming i get financed that is.  so fingers crossed. not bad for a week in town.  it really is an awesome place to live and i think it's a well kept secret. to celebrate we got some pizza on the way home and miski even got to have some :)  once we move in and get some furniture we hope to have some visitors!!!


  1. Hello Nicole and Jose!
    You two have been as busy as beavers! Congratulations to Jose on such a quick job find! Amazing! You have both done so much in such a short time. Good luck with the house purchasing. The area sounds lovely and I hope to see it someday (and you, too!).
    Love, Mom

  2. Hi mom!
    I know i'm so proud of him. and i hope you will come out to visit us here soon. i need your help picking paint colors and furniture! and i miss you. please visit soon
