Friday, May 11, 2012

Middleton Beach, alpacas, lake seppings, and bean bags

We had a rather full day...slept in again (delicious!). The weather was perfect all day! Went for a walk on middleton beach (dog beach), which miski loved and was absolutely stunning. Then perused a few local shops for bed frames, furniture, stereos and such. Grabbed lunch at Tonic which was SO good!!! Then went to view more houses for sale. Fell in love with two and now cannot decide between them or if we want our own home at all. Decisions decisions. Saw alpacas on the main drag...random. Went to a few 2nd hand shops and then took Miski for a lovely long walk around lake seppings just down the street from where we are staying. Watched the sun go down over the lake and all the birds flock in. Saw our favorite house again at night to experience the views. Relaxed at home with wine and Miski on her new bean bag bed ;) a great day! Tomorrow = farmers market and garage sales! Yay!

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