Sunday, May 20, 2012

garage sales and emu point

well after such a busy and successful saturday shopping experience i was still tired sunday morning, even after a very good nights sleep (on my new fabulous pillow!).  but still got up early and had a great chat with the family to say happy bday to uncle and bro...happy birthday guys!!! miss and love you :)  then jose and i went to two garage sales...both of which were pretty boring.  they have nothing on derby sales...nothing.  sigh. took miski for a romp in one of the many large grassy parks and then lounged around for a bit at home but it's so cold in the house that we decided to go to the beach because it was actually quite nice outside.  went to emu beach at emu point and jose tried fishing off the beach...not the right place to do that apparently because all he caught was seaweed.  miski and i enjoyed the outing though. it was very beautiful and quiet with nice soft sand like all the beaches here.  came home and did some chores around the house and jose made the best chicken and veggie soup! yum!  then we made a cake that didn't turn out the way we hoped but sure tasted good!  what a great weekend! albany photos here


  1. What a nice day! You and Miski look so cute together relaxing there on the sand. In fact, you look like a movie star in your dark glasses! So sorry Jose did not get a fish. Perhaps next time.

  2. thanks mom! we were very happy and relaxed. I found the biggest glasses i could find! glad you like them :)
