Saturday, May 5, 2012

Camping to Albany day 5

went out for dinner last night to the blackrock cafe - literally steps from our campsite...we are the corner site just behind the cafe and across from the beach.  seemed like a good idea at the time...turns out it's super loud at night with bands and stuff. boo.  anyway the food there was uninspiring and unimpressive and overpriced.  bummer. watched a funny movie in our tent and went to sleep. woke up to very cloudy and rainy skies...killing any chance of going to gorges today.  argh!  oh well.  went for a bike ride around town and went to chinaman's point (no idea why it's named that) which was stunning but soooo windy.  jose went fishing later and i rested, waiting for the weather to clear. well the rain stopped and the clouds went away but we had insanely strong winds most of the day which meant we didn't feel like doing much then either. we took miski for a walk/swim on the beach which she loved. she is very confident in the water now which is great.  i napped the afternoon away and jose fished again...still didn't catch anything. too bad. enjoyed the sunset from our campsite and then jose cooked up a great meal again!  he made one pot ground beef stir-fried with loads of veggies and spices and such, on top of rice. yum!  watched another funny movie tonight and now we're trying to sleep with a really loud band playing right next to us.  so much for resting.  tomorrow we head down to joondalup (just north of perth) to stay with parents of a friend of ours (so nice of them to put us up).  we'll have two nights in perth and then we finally make our way to albany to see our new home! yay! 


  1. Hello Nicole and Jose -
    What a shame that you had to deal with loud music when you were trying to sleep. I hope you are doing 'OK'. I enjoyed the pictures!
    Thanks for keeping me up to date!

  2. Dear Nicole and Jose - I love the picture with all three of you lounging by the car and your tent! You have all the gear to feel comfortable and homey. Enjoy!
    Love, Mom

  3. thanks mom! we did get some sleep finally and we've really been enjoying our camping gear - as is miski :) miss you lots!
