Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Camping to Albany day 8 - day of rainbows

we both slept pretty well after getting home in the pouring rain.  woke up late, had a leisurely morning and were surprised with a lovely loaf of home baked bread by our hostess!  we are so spoiled!  also miski was given the meat covered lamb bone from dinner the first night and a cooked chicken breast for dinner last night - so spoiled. i've never seen her so happy and later so dejected when we were leaving.  i think she's found her favorite people ever and no longer cares for us as much...sniff.  traitor! anyway went to a camping store (of course) and bought a bunch of sale things and then hit the road. drove through perth on a big new freeway (lovely) and then down albany highway for another 4 hours or so.  drove through beautiful forests and national parks.  it rained a lot but wasn't too bad really.  lovely farm country on the way down - it's the bread bowl of our state apparently.  very excited to see the produce!  drove through mt barker (middle two pics above), a wine region just north of albany and on the way out of the town we saw the most incredible rainbow we've ever seen. you could even see it shimmering in front of the trees it was so vivid and strong.  and just before that i got a speeding ticket! hooray...so started the trip by killing a kangaroo (and now need to fix the car) and ended it with a ticket.  super.  and i actually thing it was crap too because it was an honest mistake. i made sure the entire drive that i was never over the speed limit, i just missed a speed limit sign and assumed it was one speed and not another.  stupid cop.  anyway enough about that. the rainbows were great.  got to the house where we are house sitting, unpacked (in the rain of course), settled in, made yummy spaghetti, and curled up with the dog to watch some zone out tv.  it is seriously freezing here. and it's rained aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall afternoon.  oh well i'll adjust.  at least i have loads of warm clothes. anyway - tomorrow we will explore the town more and do a few errands. what we've seen so far - the town is beautiful, well kept up and has great shops and amenities.  very very very happy to be here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there -
    How nice that Miski was treated like a queen! Glad you made it to Albany safe and sound. Too bad about the ticket. I wonder if you can appeal that one if you did not see the sign. The rainbow is so beautiful. You say it is cold there - how cold is it? Compared to Derby's 100 to 120 degree weather, 75 would feel cold!
    Love and hugs,
