Friday, May 18, 2012


Yay! The weekend is here. First week in the new job over and I'm pretty mentally fatigued. Great team and workplace. Interesting things going on and lots of upcoming changes. Exciting but it will take me a while to get to know the job, which is ok but I'm looking forward to being settled in. Postponing travels for a while to focus on the new house. What a great birthday present! Going window shopping this weekend for house stuff :) it's fun to dream. Jose had a productive week too and even made us an amazing dinner tonight-grilled sirloin steak and sauteed veggies. I'm very lucky.


  1. Hi there -
    Uncle John and Eric and I just saw your new home pix and recent trip down from Derby.
    Look forward to Skyping with you at 4pm today.

  2. Hi Kids, this is Uncle John. Dang you guys are busy with all your travels and new jobs and moving and buying a house! You're in your prime/s and you got the world on a string, so enjoy it! In December I'm going on a cruise to Cozumel Mexico from Ft. Lauderdale, FL and taking photos of the 12-12-12 Crystal Skulls Event that's happening in Miami and Mexico. I hope that I'll be able to come visit you guys sometime in the next year or two. Love, Uncle John
