Sunday, May 6, 2012

Camping to Albany day 6

we did finally get some rest once the music stopped but woke up to more rain :(  it was supposed to be a beautiful day and we were going to visit the numerous coastal sites along the way to perth but unfortunately it poured almost the entire way out of the national park time perhaps. had another long driving day - about 7 hours. on the way down we passed by a huge carcass by the side of the road. i thought it was a cow at first but was a massive kangaroo!  stopped in northhampton for gas, then in geraldton to have a wander and grab some lunch.  geraldton is a pretty big town compared to other country towns in western australia. they had some huge stores that we got to explore to stretch our legs and ate subway for lunch.  funny how something as silly as subway is so exciting after living in a remote area...also it reminds me of home.  drove another four hours to perth and saw some really lovely scenery along the way - beautiful coastal views and numerous national parks - pinnacles, sand dunes, grass trees, etc.  we also saw a bunch of incredible rainbows.  finally reached our destination - our friend's parents house north of perth. they've very graciously taken us in for two nights for us to clean ourselves up, do errands in perth, see a few friends, and then on the 8th we head down to albany finally!  very excited to see our final destination.  miski is totally at home here in perth. she loves our hosts and the house and has made herself right at home right away.  very cute.  tomorrow we'll sleep in, explore perth shops, eat at a few favorite restaurants and meet friends for dinner.  yay!

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