Saturday, May 19, 2012

saturday shopping spree!

super fun saturday!  we got up just in time to sprint out the door and go to the farmers market.  grabbed a bunch of fabulous fresh food and then raced to a few garage sales that were...ho hum really. then we spent the day window shopping at every store i could think of and find.  wrote down all our favorites.  sadly we can't afford everything we like...and of course i always always like the most expensive things in the store.  why?!?! but we did manage to find and order the most awesome king sized mattress ever! so excited to get to sleep on it in a few months.  got some proper, amazing, fluffy down pillows and soft black sheets for the bed :)  then, as per priorities of course, we bought a wine rack and buffet.  it was a store that gets a few pieces of random furniture and sells it pretty cheap so if you don't buy it right away you won't get it ever again.  we'll have to wait for all the other furniture until we move in but at least we have a few pieces to start with.  had a relaxing saturday night watching movies with the pup.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!
    Sounds like a fun day exploring all that Albany has to offer. The buffet looks very nice - and so does the wine rack.
