Friday, May 4, 2012

Camping to Albany day 4

well wow. coral bay is so beautiful. wish we had more time to explore here and exmouth too. we'll just have to come back for a holiday another time.  too crowded but that's typical of touristy areas sadly. we had the nicest neighbors from perth who had this beautiful ridgeback dog named Tishinga (african princess).  The lady was laughing because she thinks Miski might be even more spoiled than her dog who is certainly spoiled. we had a laugh about how much we love and spoil our animals and how our husbands grumble and moan about it but really secretly like it :)  we did nothing all day. poor jose was bored but i was just loving being able to relax, especially after so much activity and work and driving. wish i'd gotten the energy up to go snorkeling but that's life.  anyway we lolled around, made food, slept in the shade, and took the dog for beach runs.  oh and we got treats from the local bakery - talk about yum!  the best eclairs and croissants i've had outside of french bakeries.  jose made an amazing pesto tortellini dinner for us and we crashed early...heading to kalbarri national park tomorrow and it is not a quick trip.

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