Saturday, May 26, 2012

saturday shopping spree

had a really good week at work. i am really enjoying the position and the team is awesome.  working on house paperwork this week too but that was fairly painless. saturday rolled around and we couldn't help ourselves so we went shopping.  grabbed great food at the farmers market first of course and then hit a garage sale where i found some really lovely copper etchings of horse and farm scenes.  will look great in the guest bedroom (especially you mom!).  then we went to target and bought random things just because we now have access to stores :)  then went to see a suede couch for sale at someone's house and ended up buying it, renting a truck, and bringing it home right away.  after that we hit several stores on the way back into town. almost got a tandem kayak but jose was able to reign me in on that one...sigh.  maybe once we move into the house. went to several more stores on the way home and finally got back, exhausted and hungry! maybe tomorrow we'll go for a hike.  miski enjoyed her outing and her super cute hoody :)

1 comment:

  1. Is that Robin Hood? . . . or possibly Miski? She looks pretty content in her outfit!
