Monday, May 7, 2012

Camping to Albany day 7

Well we aren't really camping anymore but you know what I mean. Today we slept in, had a late and leisurely brekkie, then went into the city and did some shopping. We ate yummy sushi at a cute place called iku sushi and then went to see the avengers. It's been at least a year since we saw a movie in a theater. We even went to try out mattresses - of course the one i want is the most expensive :) Then we went to leederville to meet our good mates Emmett and Brooke for yummy Vietnamese food. So great to see them both again! I had to have frozen yogurt after dinner because it's been over 5 months since and it's my favorite treat. Great day and very excited to finally get to see Albany tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole and Jose - Sounds like a lovely day. Funny that you went to the Avergers movie because Eric
    and Katlyn also went to that movie over the weekend!
    You both had the same idea in opposite hemispheres!
    How nice to catch up with Emmet and Brooke. Love,
