Thursday, May 10, 2012

House hunting

True to my style I've hit the ground running here. We should really get to know the area and what we like and if we want to be here long term but it's so fun looking at houses! Maybe we will find a good deal in the area we like so far. Slept in today and then saw tons of houses which helped get to know the city actually. Ate lunch in the center at a great hotel pub restaurant called CBD. The best part of the meal for me was the amazing pumpkin feta tart with salad. It was big enough to be a main and so I saved my main for dinner. It's a block from my new office...yes! Loving the food here and the prices too. Then we went to see two gym options in town and then relaxed at home and took the doggies for a walk to lake seppings just down the road. It was so stunning but I forgot my camera so I'll take pics of it next time. I want to live in this neighborhood for sure-close to the park and lake and walks and the dog beach. It is so pretty here. Overall people are not as friendly but that was to be expected from a bigger town. Tomorrow we'll see some more houses and take the dogs for a walk and maybe go out to dinner. Everyone should come visit us once we get our own place!!!

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