Tuesday, May 15, 2012

First days at work, house hunting, and huge grocery stores!!!

My first two days at work have been great. Everyone is lovely and the position is diverse and interesting. My orientation has been good and not hectic or overwhelming. Nice relaxed pace. Excited to get to know the job well and settle in. Narrowed down house choices today and are going to put an offer in on one...super exciting!!! And also kind of terrifying. Grabbed a few staples at the store-a HUGE woolies! So fun to have loads of options again. I also found a candy called nuffles...which is my new favorite word :) And we even had energy to make a good dinner: baked snapper with onion, chili, and peppercorn, baked yams, and an amazing salad with spinach, lettuce, heirloom tomatoes, avocado, apple and mint. Yummmmmmy!

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