Wednesday, May 30, 2012

fishy treasures at middleton beach

over the weekend we visited the beach so miski could burn off some steam...but she was rather naughty and had to be put back on the leash.  on our walk we came across all kinds of fun fishy finds.  a huge jelly had washed up on shore...and i mean massive. it was as big as a large serving platter.  and really pretty.  we also found a blowfish that washed up too.  we took lots of beautiful walks, went to garage sales, made yummy food and rested.  then today we got the great news that our financing came through for the house so it's not all just some distant pipe dream after all!  SO excited :)


  1. Congratulations on the financing. Can those
    jelly fish sting? xxxoo, mom

  2. thanks mom!!! we're very excited! not sure if their sting is mild or severe - no idea what kind they are. i didn't touch it though just in case
