Saturday, February 6, 2016

Zoo with grandma

Grandma came for a visit and on Jan 24th we all took a little trip down the road to the zoo! It was such fun. We ate lunch there and saw lots of animals of course and took several gondola rides of course! Ryan's favourite activity ever. He points to the cars the entire time we are there, grabs the rail and grins into the wind. He points to all the animals he can see below and to airplanes and birds too. He loved having grandma visit and spent a lot of time showing her things and reading books with her. And she cleaned our house and made Piti Pana!! Yay! Thanks mom :) Ryan always shows people he knows the new things around the house that he knows they have not yet seen. So he showed grandma the pictures on his bedroom wall bc he knew she hadn't seen them up before. And he showed Aunty Sarah his couch fort bc he knew that was new for her but the pictures weren't. He is so so smart. Learning new words and using more sounds every day. Getting more mobile and vocal and in charge all the time! Mealtimes are messier, directing traffic harder and life in general so much more fun.

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