Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Visit from grandma and the zoo

Grandma came down again for a visit. Only two weeks since her last visit and Ryan has already grown and changed so much. He gives her big smiles and squeals and asks to be picked up by her which he doesn't do to everyone. Grandma came Sunday and then Monday afternoon after his second nap we all went to the zoo. It was a very hot day so the gondola ride was extra nice bc of the breeze! Ryan said bababa for gondola clearly with three syllables. He kept pointing and jabbering about it. He pointed out all the lights and animals and chatted away :) he's getting so vocal and using so many signs. He has the sign for drink now and thank you. He uses milk sign for milk and for want. He is saying mama now to me!!! And asking for me when I'm gone. And when I come home he screams with delight! What a pleasure!! Best thin ever. He's getting so many teeth right now. Last of the first four molars is pushing through and all four canines are coming in too. After that just the last four molars to go! Poor baby

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