Saturday, February 6, 2016

Funny little munchkin

Oh yes. Ryan is definitely a toddler. He is so active and alive and alert and insistent on being in charge. He's started getting on all fours and looking between his legs and under his arms. It's hilarious and he thinks it is so funny. He tried on some Aussie flip flops and loved them, running around all over town in them. Had a pensive moment at the store with mommy on our extremely rainy and windy and stormy day. He was all cuddled up in his chariot of course. He begs to be taken for rides now in his stroller and cries when he is taken out. It's very cute. Last pic is of me and Ryan at Baja betties for Mexican food Monday night. It was so much fun. Ryan kept trying to get out of his high chair by slumping down.

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