Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Sarahs Sunday brunch!

So Sunday after Ryan's long and late nap we raced over to Sarah Cs house for Sunday brunch! It happened to be super bowl Sunday so I'm pretty sure we were the only ones not watching. Anyway Ryan was full of beans after sleeping all night and having that great nap too. He stole the show and was flirting with everyone and giggling and shrieking. He played with the doggies there and are with us and even tried lime for the first time! He made a little face but then kept asking for more which I thought was so cute! So adventurous :) he explored the entire house and I was that mom that I used to roll my eyes at when I was younger...the one who can't or won't shut up about her kid. I swear I tried but my mouth wouldn't stop moving. Anyway it was lovely and we made some new friends. And Z was there and she just adored him and Ryan loved her too :) they played a lot together and he was showing off for everyone and communicating like crazy with signs and words and sounds :)

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