Saturday, February 20, 2016

My two valentines

What a lucky lady I am to have had two handsome valentines this year! To celebrate we went out to a new sushi place by our house and had some awesome sushi, veg tempura, miso soup and lots of ginger. Ryan has his own prepacked lunch from home of course but today he sampled (and loved!) miso soup, veg tempura and even sushi! He tried it all and asked for more which is very cute. No raw fish for him of course but we gave him the cooked items. It was a lovely outing after our regular farmers market round. He's so good at restaurants too. He is quiet and observant. He loves to play with items but doesn't make a fuss or too big of a mess. He's such a lovely gentle kind soul. On the way out we saw this amazing fountain with a rotating sparkly ball on top with fish in the fountain. He was captivated of course and I'm sure we'll be back there again :) he got to use his new grown up straw cup which he didn't let go of all day. His back molars-the last four- are starting to move and he's been chewing like mad on his fingers and anything else he can stuff into his mouth.

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