Saturday, February 20, 2016

Full of beans

Ryan loves to squeak and squawk and growl and roar these days. He's so cute. We took a walk on wed 17th and he could not get enough of these beautiful petals on the ground. He dug right in and threw them all around and was just in ecstasy. It is contagious. I love being around his happy little spirit. Everything is new and exciting and it is inspiring to see the world anew like that. I have learned so much from being his mom- to be thankful and positive and love life bc it is a gift. He waves hello and goodbye to everyone now. Sarah watched him Tuesday night when we had to do our talk. First time we both have EVER been away from him at night. It was terrifying for me. He went to sleep ok after I put him down and left but he woke 20 min later and fussed so sarah went in and he just lay in his crib as she sang him a song and stroked his back and he went back to sleep. I am so thankful he has her (and we have her) in his life and that she is comforting to him. He has a great attachment to her which is so lovely.

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