Sunday, February 7, 2016

Mommys little helper

Today (Saturday 6th) was so much fun! Ryan had the most amazing night ever since he was born! I'm afraid to even talk about it. He slept from 6:30 to 4:50! I nursed him and he even went back to sleep (after a while of rolling around) for another 45 minutes. First uninterrupted 7 hour stretch I've had since he was born 15 months ago. Hallelujah! Here's hoping it wasn't a fluke. So I was full of beans today! Did laundry and tidied up a bit started a chicken in the crock pot to prep for an easy dinner tonight. Ryan turned 15 months this Thursday. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone and how much he's changed in such a short time. He is a constant joy and so funny. He reminds me to just laugh at life because it can't be all that bad when I'm lucky enough to be his mommy. We took a fun walk outside in the freezing cold morning air. Ryan chased the birds and waved to everyone. He pointed out his favourite things and sniffed the flowers. And we played dancing games in the street, amusing pedestrians. He loves to swing around with mommy. And he loves to drape himself over daddy's arms. A lovely morning. Then he had s great nap and we got to have a two hour business meeting with our partner. Then we did errands and went to the local library and to the park for lunch and slides and swing time! Ryan adores the slides and swings.

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