Sunday, February 7, 2016

Fun day at the park Saturday

Early Saturday Ryan was on the couch (his favourite jungle gym these days) and he wanted me to read him a book. I got on the couch with him and sat next to him. He looked up at me and put his arm around my lower back, kept looking in my eyes, and then tucked his head into my side to give me a big hug. We stayed there for quite a while and it was hard for me not to cry. It was the sweetest thing ever. I feel so bad for being away from him every day and worry so much that I am missing things and that he won't feel the same about me. Well this alleviated all my fears. And we proceeded to read the book several times and he even stayed in my lap for a long time. What a blessing. Pics are from the park outing we took. We had so much fun going on the slides and the swings and running in the sand and grass in the sunshine. A beautiful day! Then I even got to meet a friend at a cafe for a bit during his second nap! How luxurious! Amazing how great sleep is when you finally get it.

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