Saturday, February 20, 2016

The poop fairy

Is who I am I guess. The other day at dinner Ryan, who now requests all kinds of games and toys and such, looked over and asked me for a hug (non verbally). I gave him one and he would not let go. Finally I undid his booster seat and just hugged him and sang him his current fav song-little boy blue. It was so sweet and then I realised he wanted comfort while he pooped! Too funny. Poor guy was a little blocked up and needed a cuddle to get things going. Ah mommies...we do it all. We are snot wipers, diaper bag holders, snack dispensers, cows, boo boo kisses and poop charmers. Wouldn't have it any other way. How amazing to be everything to a little sprite. At dinner he plays the sneeze game and asks for peekaboo around the chair back and wants to hold his own bowl and spoon and fork. He finger feeds very well now and wants bites of all of our food, no exceptions. We eat one pot meals more now bc of that. No drinks allowed or it becomes a battle. He asks for kiss after kiss and hug after hug from first mom and then dad and back and forth. He loves it. And he loves Eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses and we'll just about anything that strikes him as amusing. And he'll ask for it again and again and day after day. He also asks to kiss each of his stuffed animals in his room after he is changed. Kiss koala, wombat, doggie and snail. Koala is his favorite right now though and he gets a gigantic hug. So cute. He has tons of words now too both spoken and sign. Sign: more, on, off, up, hot, thank you, hello, goodbye, no, music, again, eat, drink, milk, fan, and so much more!! Spoken: dog, duck, woof, horses neigh, up, down, moon, mama, dada, bottle, ball, boing, airplane (baba), and so much more. They are all approximations of course but he used those reliably for these words. Pretty incredible.

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