Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Chiro, grandma, and swim with mama

Well another beautiful and super hot day! Ryan and I went to Chiro on Monday and took a photo on the kids giraffe table. Then pic of Ryan with grandma and then pics of me in the pool with Ryan. He loves swimming so much. He's such a strong kicker and can hold himself up on the edge of the pool. He's getting more confident and skilled in all the areas they cover and he has the biggest smile on his face when he swims. It is such a pleasure to be in the water with him. He also loves swings and grins during that activity too. Today he got to re-meet Mary Jane (close family friend) and he played shy and coy with her, standing close to me and tucking his head into me and onto my shoulder. It was soooo sweet. And then he began flirting and chatting and squealing with delight as he showed off for her. It is so cute.  

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