Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sea world on Valentine's Day

Yep so after our awesome day and lunch Ryan had a short nap and we headed to sea world for a quick shamu show before dinner and bedtime. He loved it of course and is getting more and more into these activities. He kept asking for more and more when the whales would jump out of the water. I had the next day off too which was lovely. Sadly I ended up getting sick that weekend and gave it to Ryan too so most of the time we spent feeling crappy and I didn't get as much done as planned. Ryan has just had a horrible stuffy nose. Then of course a few days later jose gets sick and gets it worse than us...or is it man flu striking again?! Hmmm. Anyways it's been full on at our house lately bc of being sick and all that. Also this week we gave a talk at adventure 16 in solana beach! We talked about trekking off the beaten path in peru and it went very well. We were nervous but 18 people came and were quite engaged. I guess maybe now I should feel grown up since I am married with a child and own a business but I admit I still feel like I am playing dress up. Weird. Most days I still find it amazing that I am a mom!

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