Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy 2016!

Last nights celebration for me included a bit of bubbly after Ryan fell asleep, some hot noodle soup and a piece of cake. I then blissfully slept right through the ball drop as did Ryan. Jose went out and partied though so at least one of us got out! Today we had a very lazy morning and then went to hash house a go go for a late brunch. It was Jose's first time, and Ryan's obviously, and they loved it! Ryan had a ball sitting on mommys lap getting rare treats like juice and pancakes. It was awesome. Ryan is getting so good at signing these days. He can sign more, eat, all done and open and loves that we know why he wants. His face lights up when he gets his point across. He learned to stomp at Gymboree yesterday and did it all day today. When I nursed him today I sang him a lullaby, I see the moon, and when I stopped he signed for more while still nursing. It was such a special moment for me. That he can communicate and that he enjoys my lullabies. Every day he gets more and more communicative. He understands everything we say now and follows commands so well. This morning we walked in the courtyard and I said lets get the watering can and he went to get it. Then I said ok water the plants and he did that. Then I said ok let's put it away and go to the gate. And he did that too! No gesturing help either! It's pretty magical watching him grow up.

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