Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Science museum

Sunday was a weird sleep day. Ryan was up a few times and took forever going back to sleep in the early hours so slept in super late. Until almost 8! So his naps were all screwy. He is a solid two naps a day man so when he only gets one it's no fun for anyone. But we went to the farmers market for all the samples and snacks. Ryan loves it there and rides in his chariot, lording over his food palace. He gets fruit samples and juiced veggie drink samples which he loves. Such a good eater! I was not nearly as adventurous as he is in terms of food. He also got to sample some organic ice cream. Lucky little boy. His first ever ice cream taste! And naturally he signed for more straight away. The ice cream man kept commenting on his handsome Ryan is and seemed quite taken with him. He also said he looks just like me. Which is always nice to hear :) later we met Andrea and her two cute kiddos at the science museum in balboa park. Ryan loved it there, the kids play area and all the exhibits fascinated him. He enjoys new things so much. And he loved playing with Kai-Lynn (Andrea's daughter).

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