Thursday, January 7, 2016

Three musketeers

Well after the crazy weather yesterday (tornado warning in San Diego!! And flash floods) today was beautiful. Still rainy and stormy but lots of rainbows and blue sky in between. Ryan loves to be hung upside down now and signs for more over and over again :) last night was stormy and Ryan struggled with his sleep a lot maybe because of his teeth or because today he woke up taller for sure! He towers over other kids his age and even older ones too! He had such fun today with his Physio session and then at Gymboree. He loves to climb and slide and run and balance. And he loves to study what is going on all around him. During his Physio session he independently started turning in circles (not something we are working on) and when we clapped and said circle he did it again and again. Takes him no time at all to connect words to actions and objects. It blows my mind. I feel so lucky every day to be Ryan's mommy. Also remembered that Ryan's gym teacher told me that she had to choose between a few classes at work and she chose our slot because she loves Ryan so much and thinks he's so sweet and fun and would miss him. I thought that was so incredibly kind and special. We would have been devastated if she'd switched! 

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