Friday, January 29, 2016

My goofball and Chiro visits

Ryan is so funny these days. He loves to get up on the couch and then roll around and giggle. He plays with his stuffed toys and "feeds" them And Kissel them. Recently I came home from work and he was sweeping the floor! He loves to help :) he helps fold laundry by throwing things around the room. It's pretty funny. And when I come home now Ryan races to the stair gate, shakes it super hard and madly makes the milk sign with both hands. Yep. Mommy the cow. No hello or a kiss. And we had our Chiro check the other day. I've made heaps of progress which is fabulous and such a relief. Ryan's doing ok but bc he's falling a lot as he learns to run he's a bit more locked up than before. Thank heaven for dr joe!!!

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