Sunday, January 3, 2016

Boob o'clock and Sunday zoo day

Today was lovely. It all started when Ryan slept almost 10 hours straight!!! Wow. From 6:20pm to 4:10am. Then slept another 2.5 hours until 7:30am after a nice long nurse. When I heard him coo at 4:10 I woke and could sense my breasts were full and thought to myself...feels like 4am based on fullness. And I was right! Too funny. That's happened before too. So I have a boob o'clock. Pretty handy. We went to the farmers market first thing and enjoyed a greens shake and lots of fruit samples. Got veggies for the week. Then after his first nap we went to the zoo and rode the gondola twice, saw a polar bear, snow leopard, mountain lion, gazelles and lots and lots of birds. Birds are his favourite! Then took a stroll this afternoon after his second nap. Lovely day.

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