Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Welcome to our house

First pic is a rare moment when I actually capture Ryan being still for a millisecond. Second pic is what life here really looks like. Ryan is into absolutely everything these days. Especially things he cannot have. Keys, hot pans, biting the soles of shoes. Ewww. And the list goes on. But he is also so expressive and fun. He's starting to say mama when he needs something. How appropriate. And is a great little communicator. He uses a lot of sign snd grunts and little vocalisations as well as some babble and word approximations. I just can't get over how smart and funny he is. He's so focused and attentive. He really studies things carefully and when he asks for more of something he really watches the activity he requested. He loved his regional Center visit today. He showed off for her and used lots of signs and demonstrated a lot of skills. He follows commands so well too. Such a wonderful little person!

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