Thursday, January 14, 2016

Chatting with the zoo animals

Ryan had wonky naps again today. Woke late after a somewhat challenging evening. Then took a late and short nap mid morning before his Physio appt. And struggled to sleep for his second nap. So we missed Gymboree :( ended up going for a late last minute zoo visit which was so fun. All the animals are awake and having dindin around 4pm so we got to see the rhino, hogs, antelope, birds, and more munching away. Also the giraffes! There were so many giraffes in there this time. And one was a teeny tiny baby! We saw a cheetah running around which Ryan loved and Then we visited Ryan's favourite - flamingos! He chatted to all of the animals and really loved watching them all eat, especially the rhino. He now calls the moon "muh" and even says mama to me! Except he says mama every time he wants something too so not sure how complimentary that is. Haha. He also signs for milk the moment he sees me and thinks it's super funny. We took a fun bath together this evening and Ryan laughed so hard over and over when I made squishy noises as He put on and took off the turtle toys from the wall. What fun!

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