Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Zoo baby

Saturday we took Ryan to the zoo. It was a rare beautiful and sunny day out of mostly rainy cloudy dreary days lately. Ryan loved his zoo outing as usual. We saw the gorillas up very close and he was riveted by their faces. He loved the gondola rides of course - they are his absolute favourite. And we saw a lot of beautiful birds with all manner of songs. He loved that too and kept talking to them. He calls to the crows outside our condo here too. And he barks at dogs and yelps at sea lions in pictures. He walked around a lot on his own at the zoo that day and even got to cuddle a wiggly service puppy. After those outings he is always chattier and giggles more and is sillier. It's nice to see him so happy. That night he demanded a bite of my green olive and I was so surprised to see him immediately sign for more and more and more. Go figure! He also adored the sautéed shiitake mushrooms we had with breakfast the next day. Wow

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