Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My beautiful boy

Yesterday Ryan went to swimming after a two week break over the holidays. He had a blast as usual and even started blowing bubbles in the water!! So exciting! He is changing daily now...his vocabulary growing exponentially. He's so smart. He now has quite a few signs he uses independently: more, all done, open, on, eat, milk. He has a few of his own too :) he jabbers more every day as well and "sings" to himself in his oh so sweet little voice. A few days ago, while I was changing him after he woke up for the day, he looked up at me as I was singing his good morning song and signed eat! When I asked if he was hungry he grinned and signed eat again. When I come home to nurse him he immediately runs to the stairway gate and signs milk feverishly. It's very cute. He's so tickled that we know what he is saying. He says da for down now too. He can follow two step commands these days (when he wants to) and is just such a delight. How I love being a mommy to such a loving, sweet and smart little boy.

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