Thursday, December 31, 2015

How is it almost 2016 already???

Where has this year gone!? Seriously this year has gone by in a flash and seems like such a blur. I'm sure it's because it's been such a busy year with so many major changes and because we are so unbelievably sleep deprived. But despite all the challenges it has also been a wonderful year. We spent half the year in Australia and the other half on California. Ryan has gone from being a sweet cuddly smoosh of a baby to a walking talking toddler with a great big personality of his own. We started the year with a 2 year old and are ending it with a 14 month old. We got Australian citizenship, sold our Australian house, moved across continents back to California, watched Ryan learn to roll, crawl, walk, talk, dance and enchant :) we spent time with family and friends, started a trekking company and explored San Diego with our little one. Even though we haven't gotten any sleep and have been very busy it has been such a pleasure to explore the world with Ryan. I love being a mommy and will always treasure my first full year of being one! Thank you Ryan for joining our family and for your sweet and loving spirit. I love you my little fox.

Sent from my iPhone

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