Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My smiley son

And my never smiling husband... I can't stand how unbelievably cute Ryan is in his little Patagonia down jacket!! It's been freeeeeezing here lately. Much colder than I recall it ever being in winter in so cal. So we've busted out the down gear. It's been fun actually. Ryan doesn't seem to care as long as he gets to go outside still. He's such a good walker now. He balances well and walks backwards and on uneven surfaces. He's pretty fast too. He's babbling more and more and using more words and signs. He uses more and all done signs a lot. And is so delighted that we know what he means. He points to things when I make them, including my nose. Today he touched my legs and his hands were freezing so I squealed. He thought that was hysterical and kept doing it over and over, finding new ways and places to touch my skin so I would shriek! What a funny boy. He is such a delight. I feel so very lucky to have such a smart, funny, kind, and beautiful spirit in my life. I Love you Ryan.

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