Monday, October 1, 2012

miski at ledge beach again

so happy we've had a long weekend - queens birthday and all.  it has been a beautiful weekend but today was really really hot.  well into the upper 80s.  woke up early and cleaned up the house a bit and then took miski back to ledge beach for a romp.  sadly a lot of other people had the same idea so i had to be careful when i let her off her leash. she was very rude to other dogs who came up to say hello.  i am embarrassed that she is so anti social but it seems too late to fix that now.  anyway we grumples kept to ourselves and romped in the lovely cool, clear water.  then went grocery shopping and came home for a nice cool shower and a little more house work.  now miski and i are just trying to keep cool!  wish you all were here with us.  i posted A LOT of photos here - all of miski and waves but i liked shooting her movement in successive snaps and then didn't feel like selecting different sections because i liked them all.  if you want to see them all they are here in albany 2012 part 2.


  1. What an outing! I love the shots of Miski playing. The stop action shots of her running and then jumping up and down in the waves is so cute! And I enjoyed the succession of pictures of the big waves coming in with the wonderful colors. The panorama shot was good, too.

  2. . . . and you and Miski looked so adorable in your closeup on the beach! Love, Mom

  3. hi mom! glad you liked the shots - i know there were a lot but she's too cute to cull photo of. glad you liked the shot of us :) she is a very good girl...most of the time.
