Friday, October 19, 2012

luke pen trail run on kalgan river

miski and i really needed an outing after i was so sick much of this week and work has been intense and busy.  had an awesome night out on thursday with some girlfriends. ate yummy steak and chips and had some well deserved wine and gossip :) it was awesome! anyway woke up to a nice day today so took miski to the farmers market for a few veggies and then we drove to the luke pen walk on the kalgan river, just by our house. it's supposed to be a decent length and it was a very pretty (though easy) walk along the bank of the river and we had the place to ourselves.  we ran most of the way and unfortunately got to a place where it was too overgrown to continue.  but we got over an hour in which is good. it was the perfect temperature and at the end nobody was around so i risked letting the monster off her leash.  she was in heaven!  went ripping around in the shallow water and even went swimming a bit.  she got filthy dirty and muddy and got the car really dirty but it was worth it. i posted more photos and a few videos at the end of the albany part 2 album. so wish i had a kayak to take us out in - that would have been icing on the cake. maybe when jose is back we can find a second hand one.  can't wait until december! then miski and i did some much needed weeding in the front and i gave her a bath.  then my nice neighbor asked me over for "a cuppa."  love the way it's said here!  so that was very nice.  now we're both relaxing...miski is exhausted!


  1. Hi Nicole -
    The river is beautiful. I would love being on that walk with you. I can see that Miski had a good time. Enjoyed the videos of her and I really liked the wide/panorama picture of the river.

  2. hi mom! yes we can do this walk together. hopefully we'll have a kayak by the time you come out and we can kayak with puppy too. glad you liked the photos - it is a beautiful place. love you
