Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lazy Sunday afternoon

We were both tired after our long walk this morning so we mostly napped and relaxed. Then later I made authentic Belgian waffles. Yarm! It's really hot here so having a very slothful afternoon. Bummer it's Monday tomorrow.


  1. The waffles look yummy. Too bad I could not have joined you for those! Is Miski lolling about in the guest room? Is that my bed she's rumpling? She'll have to move over to make room for us when we arrive for our visit! Love, Mom

  2. Wish u were here for them! And yes Miski is breaking in your bed for you. Just testing out comfort rating :) shell want to pile in with you when u visit :)

  3. I agree with Marcia! Those waffles look delish!!! And can Miski be any cuter?!? :)

  4. Thanks noemi! I think she's the cutest :) hope all is well with you!
