Saturday, October 13, 2012

a cloudy walk at the wind farm

went again to the wind farm today with miski. it was supposed to be a nice weekend but it was cloudy from the get go.  lucky i went walking in the early afternoon because by the time i got home it was raining. it was nice out even with the clouds and it was beautiful and the turbines were spinning.  the only negative was not having jose and all the damn flies. they were everywhere!  miski was driven mad by them (me too). i embarrassed her by making her wear her backpack so she could carry her own water and treats. she acted like it was a million pounds.  but she got a good workout and by the end was refusing to take one more step unless i carried the backpack.  a nice afternoon overall. now we're just watching the rain, missing jose.  he was a lucky duck and his neighbor made him a lovely seafood dish - a favorite of his. 


  1. Hi Nicole -
    I looked at the album of these and saw the cute videos of Miski. Now you know how to keep her calm in public. Just weight her down with her backpack! I enjoyed seeing the windmills turning and hearing the sound of the wind. Also enjoyed hearing the sound of your laughter as you watched Miski with her backpack. Makes me feel like I there, too!
    Love, Mom

  2. hi mom! well she was still crazy when another dog walked by. first time she growled at him and the next time i was relaxed with her and she was fine. i think i am the culprit. glad you liked the videos :) wish you were here with me to take walks
