Sunday, October 7, 2012

albany wind farm walk

well what an amazing weekend! yesterday was wonderful and then i slept 12 hours (yummy) and woke to a very bored dog.  did some much needed house work and laundry and then took miskers for a stroll at the albany wind farm.  it was a beautiful day - not too hot, nice cool breeze.  i didn't know this until i got there but the walk around the wind farm turbines (which you can walk right up to) is also attached to the bibulman track - a hiking trail from albany to perth and is almost 1000 kms long.  it's spring and all the wildflowers are in bloom and the birds are very active.  it wasn't too crowded and we had most of the walk to ourselves. miski tuckered out faster than i did or i would have stayed longer than 2 hours. it was incredible - amazing turquoise ocean to the left, beautiful trails and wildflowers and wind farm to the right.  was going to go down the steps to the reef but that part was too crowded and miski would have struggled on the steps with other people around. maybe next time.  i love this place.


  1. What an amazing looking bird - and he's sitting on an equally amazing looking plant. I hope to see that place some day. Love, Mom

  2. hi mom. i knew you'd love that bird! ask dick what kind it is...and yes of course you'll see it someday, it's a must on our itinerary.
