Friday, October 26, 2012

another wind farm walk

this week was really hard for me. not sure why but it was busy, lots of grumpy people, too much to do, etc.  anyway this weekend is beautiful thank goodness so i took poor, bored miski out for a walk at the wind farm. the turbines were actually turning today. we went down to the water for the first time and it was stunning - huge waves, beautiful views. we even saw whales jumping out the water over and over again.  i'm so bummed i forgot my good camera. sigh.  i was there before anyone else so had the walk all to myself most of the way. couldn't go very far today though because half way through my normal walk we saw a huge tiger snake. i guess it's that time of year and they are one of the most venomous snakes in the world. of course they are. and they are aggressive.  how annoying.  anyway came home and miski is passed out now.  had a bite to eat and picked some roses from our garden. they smell heavenly! will try again tomorrow to see the whales


  1. Hi there Nicole!
    Watch out for those nasty snakes. I don't
    want you or Miski to be bitten by one of those.
    Your roses are so beautiful. You are lucky to
    have so many and to have them producing so nicely for you!

    1. I will be careful I promise. And I do love my roses :)
