Tuesday, October 23, 2012

hiking and black cockatoos

 work has been very busy and there's no end in sight for that so after a long day i decided i needed to go hiking with miski even though i was tired.  glad we went because it made both of us feel a lot better.  yesterday was really rainy and it absolutely poured last night.  but today has been pretty and cloudy but warm.  went for an hour hike on the luke pen trail again today and saw lots of birds out.  one bird sounded like a monkey. missed video chance of that - will try next time.  saw the beautiful and elusive black cockatoos out and got a video of them calling to each other. so cute!  


  1. Hi Nicole - It looks like a gorgeous day! Beautiful skies and beautiful pictures. The lizard has great camouflage! I hadn't heard of black Cockatoos before. I saw the one sitting on the tree but wish I could see a bigger, closer picture of him. Glad you and Miski had such a nice walk. Lovely way to end the busy day.

  2. hi mom! it was such a beautiful day. wish i had time to go again today. i'll try to get a better shot of the birds next time - they have pretty red spots under their wings/tail you can see when they fly
