Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I know I am a repeat poster about flowers, Miski, walks and sunsets but...kind of all I got going on a day to day basis. I am enjoying our roses though. Especially the orange and lavender ones. Tried to take a walk today but it was unbelievably windy and we nearly blew away. I think we ended up ingested a lot of sand. At least we got a tiny walk in. Happy Halloween everyone! No one here celebrates it. I miss it!


Beautiful sunset last night. View is from our living-room and front of house. Miski sleeping peacefully and leaning on me - cheeky girl

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another Middleton beach walk

Busy work day but forced myself to take Miski for a walk at Middleton beach. It was rainy this morning but beautiful this afternoon. A lovely walk and a tired doggy :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sunsets n roses

Enjoyed a lovely sunset last night (view from bedroom) and woke today to find out one of my rose bushes that has not produced any flowers finally started blooming and has really gorgeous bright orange flowers.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lazy Sunday afternoon

We were both tired after our long walk this morning so we mostly napped and relaxed. Then later I made authentic Belgian waffles. Yarm! It's really hot here so having a very slothful afternoon. Bummer it's Monday tomorrow.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

middleton beach boardwalk (ellen cove)

miski and i woke up early today for some reason and since it's supposed to be crazy hot today we went for an early morning walk.  took her to middleton beach for the ellen cove walk.  i think it's about 4 miles round trip to the old grainery. it was already warm and they were setting up for a race later.  miski loved it there - every few feet there were these fat black lizards sunning themselves.  she wanted to chase each and everyone of them.  anyway nice walk, now we're relaxing at home. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

another wind farm walk

this week was really hard for me. not sure why but it was busy, lots of grumpy people, too much to do, etc.  anyway this weekend is beautiful thank goodness so i took poor, bored miski out for a walk at the wind farm. the turbines were actually turning today. we went down to the water for the first time and it was stunning - huge waves, beautiful views. we even saw whales jumping out the water over and over again.  i'm so bummed i forgot my good camera. sigh.  i was there before anyone else so had the walk all to myself most of the way. couldn't go very far today though because half way through my normal walk we saw a huge tiger snake. i guess it's that time of year and they are one of the most venomous snakes in the world. of course they are. and they are aggressive.  how annoying.  anyway came home and miski is passed out now.  had a bite to eat and picked some roses from our garden. they smell heavenly! will try again tomorrow to see the whales

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

snuggled miski and pretty morning

it was a tad chilly last night from the rain and miski demanded to be tucked in. too cute! of course 30 min later she was out of bed because she was too hot.  she also needed to pee twice which was annoying.  anyway difficult night's sleep and then another busy day at work. at least it was a beautiful morning with giant puffy clouds.  i took a shot from our overflow parking lot outside of work.  beautiful day!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

hiking and black cockatoos

 work has been very busy and there's no end in sight for that so after a long day i decided i needed to go hiking with miski even though i was tired.  glad we went because it made both of us feel a lot better.  yesterday was really rainy and it absolutely poured last night.  but today has been pretty and cloudy but warm.  went for an hour hike on the luke pen trail again today and saw lots of birds out.  one bird sounded like a monkey. missed video chance of that - will try next time.  saw the beautiful and elusive black cockatoos out and got a video of them calling to each other. so cute!  

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pretty sky

It was very hot today and then was extremely windy too. Strange combination but I'm finding that the weather here is odd in general. Today it was well over 90. Tomorrow is supposed to be 65. That's such a crazy difference! Anyway the storm that's due brought pretty skies tonight. Miski and i enjoyed the view from our window.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Luke pen trail again

When I find something I like I tend to overdose on it. This hike is about an hour and Miski can go swimming and it's fairly close to home. Reminds me of some California trails in parts which is really nice. We went again this morning before it got too hot and it was wonderful. Really need a kayak! Saw this crazy lizard on the trail and can't recall the name now. He was impressive.

Friday, October 19, 2012

luke pen trail run on kalgan river

miski and i really needed an outing after i was so sick much of this week and work has been intense and busy.  had an awesome night out on thursday with some girlfriends. ate yummy steak and chips and had some well deserved wine and gossip :) it was awesome! anyway woke up to a nice day today so took miski to the farmers market for a few veggies and then we drove to the luke pen walk on the kalgan river, just by our house. it's supposed to be a decent length and it was a very pretty (though easy) walk along the bank of the river and we had the place to ourselves.  we ran most of the way and unfortunately got to a place where it was too overgrown to continue.  but we got over an hour in which is good. it was the perfect temperature and at the end nobody was around so i risked letting the monster off her leash.  she was in heaven!  went ripping around in the shallow water and even went swimming a bit.  she got filthy dirty and muddy and got the car really dirty but it was worth it. i posted more photos and a few videos at the end of the albany part 2 album. so wish i had a kayak to take us out in - that would have been icing on the cake. maybe when jose is back we can find a second hand one.  can't wait until december! then miski and i did some much needed weeding in the front and i gave her a bath.  then my nice neighbor asked me over for "a cuppa."  love the way it's said here!  so that was very nice.  now we're both relaxing...miski is exhausted!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cuddles and sunsets

Sweet little Miski has been a good girl these past few days. I've been really sick and she's kept me company with cuddles. We miss jose so much though. Not a real puppy pile without him. Lovely sunset tonight too.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fun with plumbing

Well it was bound to happen I guess. And right when I got really sick too. Front toilet stopped flushing. Had to dig up the back patio to get to the blockage. What a stupid system! The very nice plumbers fixed it quickly and put in a pipe to ground level so we won't have to do this again.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Stuck indoors

Boo. It's been rainy and windy and crappy out all day. I slept in until almost 10:30 which is unusual for me. I was so tired. Miski was happy to oblige. Finally at 12 I felt like a sloth so I cleaned the whole house. It was looking pretty gross. Can't take a walk and am trapped indoors. Hate it.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

a cloudy walk at the wind farm

went again to the wind farm today with miski. it was supposed to be a nice weekend but it was cloudy from the get go.  lucky i went walking in the early afternoon because by the time i got home it was raining. it was nice out even with the clouds and it was beautiful and the turbines were spinning.  the only negative was not having jose and all the damn flies. they were everywhere!  miski was driven mad by them (me too). i embarrassed her by making her wear her backpack so she could carry her own water and treats. she acted like it was a million pounds.  but she got a good workout and by the end was refusing to take one more step unless i carried the backpack.  a nice afternoon overall. now we're just watching the rain, missing jose.  he was a lucky duck and his neighbor made him a lovely seafood dish - a favorite of his.