Tuesday, September 11, 2012

yummy dinner and miski!

we enjoyed a great dinner yesterday care of our new recipe book. had grilled lamb kabobs with yogurt/tahini sauce, side salad, and a local (and really good) shiraz.  it was so good!  miski nosed her way into the photo of course because she wanted some and felt very left out.  second pic is of miski demanding her morning hello scratches and dancing.  i love watching jose with miski - it is so cute.  she has him wrapped around her little paw :)


  1. They both look so cute and happy! The dining room looks lovely with your pretty picture. I like the red, square plates. Your dinner sounds really yummy. Come home and cook for me! Love,

  2. thanks mom! glad you like the dining room - i'll come home and cook for you but i'd rather you cook for me! i miss mom's home cooking :)
