Saturday, September 8, 2012

duffy motor speech disorders workshop - bondi beach, sydney

had a whirlwind trip to sydney this week to attend the dr. duffy workshop "differential diagnosis and management of acquired motor speech disorders."  he's the guru for this specialized area of speech & language and an excellent speaker and just a really nice guy...from minnesota so of course he is!  i've heard him speak before in san diego and it was wonderful.  anyway left wednesday and traveled all day (flight from albany to perth on a propeller plane - didn't know they even used those anymore for city to city flights - then perth to sydney) and had this insane cab driver to my hotel in bondi beach (very famous beach in sydney). i love traveling once i get somewhere but the travel part is always hard for me, especially since jose opted not to come. such a bummer.  the workshop was awesome. so i didn't go for long - just had thursday and friday at the workshop and then headed to the airport after the workshop on friday only to sit and wait for a very delayed plane due to high winds (bleh).  anyway then spent the next 20 hours getting back home to albany. i was a basketcase when i got back.  also our computer definitely died for good last week so we got a new one (fun!) and are really enjoying having a functional machine again!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole -
    From your pictures, it looks like a lovely beach. I'm glad you were able to attend conference and enjoyed it so much. Wish I could have been there, too!
    Love, Mom
