Sunday, September 30, 2012

albany wind farm

went out with friends to the wind farm in albany. i had no idea how huge they are!  they are absolutely massive and apparently power 80% of the city which is pretty incredible. only about 7 days a year are calm enough that they don't spin - today was one of those magical days.  it was a beautiful day - nice and hot and sunny.  see more photos here


  1. Those things are huge! When you look up at them it looks like there is an airplane on the tip of a pin!
    They have hundreds of those over in the Palm Springs area but I have never been as close to one as you were. How wonderful that Albany can get 80% of their power from them. We need more of that type of power in the U.S. Mom

  2. they are ridiculously enormous. wait until you see them! well it's windy enough here to power the city but may not be very viable back in california. i'll take you here when you visit
