Sunday, September 9, 2012

man in uniform and a kookaburra!

jose looks so dapper in his airport uniform i made him pose for some pictures.  i love the one of him with miski.  that's her special spot and is the best and sunniest spot in the house.  she loves it there but only if she's not allowed on the couch to snuggle with me :)  a kookaburra sat right outside our house today - really cool because i don't see them all that often. he was very cute, very small, and i was hoping he'd laugh for us but sadly he was very quiet.  he was harassing some smaller birds that have made a home in one of our very overgrown bushes in the front.  it's been a very pretty day but i think it's going to be very stormy soon...eep! this afternoon jose and i made lamb kabobs with yogurt/tahini sauce and also the filling for salteñas (i'll finish making those tomorrow).  yum!


  1. Hi Nicole and Jose!
    Yes, Jose does look very 'dapper' and handsome in his uniform - and happy, too! And Miski looks
    very happy. Tell my grandchild Miski that today (Sept. 9th) in the U.S. is grandparents day and I am sending her a hug.

  2. oh that is so cute! well miski says happy grandparents day to you and ray...wish you were here to spend the day with us.
