Wednesday, September 19, 2012

roses and gardening

well we have some very pretty roses popping up. i'm not a fan of rose bushes because they are ugly most of the year and briefly have pretty flowers but these sure are nice.  ripped up a lot of plants today because the garden was very choked, so it looks a lot better and the plants have room to breathe.  we're hoping to someday do away with this area all together and either level out the yard or put in a deck or both.  more photos here


  1. Hi Nicole!
    Your roses are beautiful. Keep them and enjoy them. I hope to see them someday in person. Give them a little fertilizer from time to time and cut off the dead blooms to encourage new blooms.

  2. hi mom!
    i will try to keep them and thanks for the care tips - i have no idea how to deal with roses :)
